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Vincentians have been working in Maharashtra

Since 1991

for the welfare of the laity here.

the Missionaries have always tried to give the best
of their services to the needy here in Maharashtra.


The Vincentian Mission Ahmednagar, presently known as "St. Paul Mission Ahmednagar" was established on July 3, 1991 by an agreement between the Diocese of Kalyan and Marymatha Province of the Vincentian Congregation with its headquarters in Angamaly South, Kerala, for intensive and extensive evangelization. The mission territory includes Ahmednagar Revenue District and Yeola town of Nasik District of Maharashtra

On January 27, 1991 Fr. Joseph Kavalakkatu VC reached Ahmednagar and on February 28, 1991 the new priest Fr. Thomas Mullenmadackel VC joined. They are the founding members of the Mission as Mission Superior and Mission Procurator respectively. The Mission was formally inaugurated on November 11, 1991 by Mar Paul Chittilappilly, the first Bishop of Kalyan at Shirley Miller Hall, Booth Hospital Campus, Ahmednagar. The Mission has its Headquarters at Ahmednagar.

Council Members


 Fr. Sajoy Ethakattu VC

(Mission Councillor)


Fr. Jimil Mealkarapurath VC

(Mission Superior)


Fr. Santo Payikkattu VC

(Mission Councillor)

Mission Superiors

The Pioneers of the Mission,

who led the Mission to greater heights.

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Fr. Joseph Kavalakattu VC


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Fr. Thomas Neerolickal VC



Fr. Joseph Srambickal VC


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Fr. Thomas Mullendackal VC



Fr. Sajoy  Ethakkattu VC



Fr. Hebic Edappilly VC


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Fr. Sebastian Pandarathikudiyil VC


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Fr. John Kizhakkumthala VC



Fr. Jimil Mealkarapurath VC


"Evangelizare Pauperibus Misit Me"

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