St. Paul Mission
Ahmednagar, Maharashtra

Vincentian Mission House
Kedagaon, Ahmednagar
The Pioneer Missionaries Rev. Fr. Joseph Kavalakkattu VC and Rev. Fr. Thomas Mullenmadackel VC started their ministry staying in the first residence in a Twin-bungalow No. C-23, Shah Colony, Govindpura, Ahmednagar. On 08th May 1991 the residence was shifted to Bungalow no.7, Bhujbal colony, Mukundnagar, a more spacious, convenient and accessible house, owned by a Catholic. Holy Mass and other religious services were carried out at the old St. Anne's church. We gratefully acknowledge the hospitality of Very. Rev. Fr. William Falcao SDB of St. John the Baptist Parish who was also Priest-in- charge of St. Anne's. The support rendered by the parishioners especially Mr. K. Mathews, Mr. K.S. Sunny, Mr. Labeth, P.S. Johnson, A.S. Kurian etc. in the initial days is to be specially remembered.

Divine Ashram
The present Divine Ashram was planned and designed to be an ITI. The ITI construction was completed and blessed & inaugurated by Bishop Thomas Elavanal. But considering the huge resources required for the modern machineries and the staff salary the project was kept pending and the construction was laid idle for years. Meanwhile we had started a boys' hostel attached to the Mission House. Later it was shifted to the ITI building making it the De Paul Hostel. After few years the hostel was closed and again the building remained closed for few years. Then it was converted in to a retreat centre "Tabor Divine Retreat Ashram" with Fr. Thomas Thekkekkara VC as the Director and later it was renamed as "Divine Ashram".
St. Thomas Catholic Church
In October 1996 Holy Mass was shifted from St. Anne's Church to Sisal Handicraft, Station road, Ahmednagar due to the objection of the Parish Priest. We thankfully remember the timely assistance of Mr. S.K. Alhat of Sisal Handicraft. From February 1997 Sunday Holy Mass was shifted to the chapel attached to the Vincentian Mission House, for few months free lift was made available from Sisal handicraft to Kedgaon Mission house. Since 1991 The Parish Day celebration on 15 August is kept intact.